Sema Coverage Part III

I thought we’d have more SEMA coverage but we had some technical difficulties with  memory card failure and forgetting to bring a back up memory card we probably only have one more part of the SEMA coverage. So a total of 4 parts of SEMA before we move on to new topics. These are a few pics from the cars that had outdoor spots and sick! I honestly wish we had more time. We really missed a lot of cars since we only had a few hours to walk the show but we hope that you the fans enjoy the coverage.

Brembo goodness.

Wheels are too dark in my opinion looks like the cars floating but in person the car looks goooood! Skyblue worked on this EVO

This Genesis was Legit! Loved the small touches and color matching

Didn’t see too many S2000’s at the show so it was nice to see a few.

HAHA.. I don’t think too many other blogs showed this colorful bus but it was definitely eye catching O_o
Apparently this was built in China and brought over to display. Very different .

This looked bad ass. Didn’t look like it was finished in time for the show but concept looks very nice. Wonder what it would look like complete?

Love old school Porsche’s and this one caught my eye!  It was nice to see something a little different done to a Porsche rather then the norm which seems to be RWB kitted and fitted. Don’t get me wrong I love RWB but just nice to see something different .

SEMA Coverage Part II: The FR-S Collection

Seeing that we were limited on time we didn’t get to see the entire car show and i’m sure we missed a lot of the hyped FR-S/BRZ’s out there but the ones we came across looked pretty bad ass. I wish I got to see the one built by the homies at Platinum VIP/ Phantom Garage and the Iforged one but I totally missed out. These are the ones that caught my eye and stood out to me while walking the halls.